Saturday 9 February 2013

Vehicle Design (DD1101)

In Mark's lesson we received a new assignment to design a land, sea or air based vehicle and produce a design sheet for it. I began by researching current images of vehicles and narrowed it down to three different types that I would be interested in designing. these were either an 18 wheeler truck, a military tank or a mech (an example of this would be a Metal Gear variant such as the REX or RAY from Metal Gear Solid).

I ultimately decided to design a tank as their design features appealed to me the most. I then quickly drew out some silhouettes for different tanks, even one that would transform into a mech like vehicle but I decided to go towards more alien designs.

The tank below is the final design that I chose. Its role is mainly anti-structural support as the cannon it possesses has a wide range and can decimate several large structures with one round. The bottom section contains the thrusters that allow the tank to hover above the ground and move with agile speed and prowess. The upper section can rotate a full 360 degree angle which further increases mobility that wouldn't be possible on a conventional tank 

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