Monday 29 October 2012

Design Movement Essay Plan (DD1000)

Below I have pasted a copy of my essay plan that basically explains which design movement I have chosen, why I have chosen that movement and a list of sources that I will use for my research:

Historical Design Essay Plan

As part of Historical Contextual studies with Ben we have been tasked with writing an essay that will focus on a chosen historical design movement. This essay will give an in depth look at all the research areas within the chosen movement. I have decided to proceed using the Art Deco design movement as the base of this essay because I have a genuine interest and would love to learn a great deal more about it.

The style of Art Deco is very unique and uses basic Geometric shapes in a certain form that is very pleasing to the eye. I have learned that particularly in architecture it uses a step pattern which is evidenced by the Chrysler building and the Empire State building and this style is present in most drama theatres as it was widely popular during the design of these structures. The title of the essay will be “The Art Deco design movement” which correlates to the topic.
I have purchased a number of reading materials that will aid me greatly in my research, these are listed below.

Art Deco 1910 – 1939 by Tim Benton (2012)
Based on reviews from consumers who have purchased the book, it is said this book is the definitive volume on Art Deco. It covers everything from the sources that came to develop the style and all the way to its spread across the world. Looking at scans from the book It is very well laid and comes with many relevant high quality images which is very useful and interesting.

Design History: A Students Handbook by Hazel Conway (1987)

This book focuses on design overall which will become of use for researching how we plan out designs and how this ideal has changed across many years.

The Laws of Simplicity by John Maeda (2006)

This book goes in depth about how simplicity plays a key role in design and can relate to the Art Deco movement in a number of ways.

I will also have a look at different online sources to get any ideals or opinions that people may have so that I have a wide range included in my essay. I will update my blog with these research materials so that they can be accessed easily in one place.

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